If you are not able to contact your card provider, you can get help from us whenever you need it. Visa provides 24-hour emergency customer services to cardholders around the world through the Global Customer Assistance Service (GCAS) program.
We’re here to help with lost and stolen bank cards
Call us anytime
You can call GCAS 365 days a year to report a lost or stolen card. There’s a freephone number to contact and help is available in a multitude of languages.
We’ll block your card
As soon as you call, we’ll block your card (if the card number is available) and notify your bank or card issuer immediately, so you don’t need to worry.
Get a new card
We know not having your card is really inconvenient. We can help your bank replace your card, and send it to you globally. Emergency help varies, contact your card provider or check their website for more information.
Get emergency cash before your replacement card arrives
If you can’t make a cash withdrawal because your bank card has been lost or stolen, you may still be able to access emergency cash in a handy location.
You should first report your lost or stolen card to your bank. If you’re not able to contact your bank, we can help. Contact us using the relevant freephone number.
As long as you have enough money in your account, and your bank gives approval, we can arrange for you to pick up emergency cash so that you’re not left without spending money until your replacement card arrives. Note that emergency cash is debited from your existing account and it does not represent a loan or advance.
More protection and assistance from Visa technology
Mishaps like dropping your card or being scammed online can happen to anyone. That’s why Visa technology protects you and helps things get back to normal quickly and easily.
We automatically update your new card details
Visa Account Updater automatically sends your new card information to online sellers that already have your card details on file. This means a smoother checkout experience when you pay with your new card.
You won’t be liable if your card is used fraudulently
Nobody wants to be a victim of fraud or have their card details hacked. But if it happens, don’t worry. Visa’s Zero Liability policy means you’ll get your money back.
Help if a purchase goes wrong
When a purchase doesn’t turn out as expected, or a payment goes wrong, you may be able to get a refund through Visa’s disputes process – a simple way to sort out purchase disputes with your card issuer.
Get answers to frequently asked
questions about lost and stolen cards
Whether you are at home or abroad, if you believe that your card has been lost, you should contact your bank immediately to report it. If you can’t reach your bank, contact us instead, using our freephone customer assistance service (see link to download a PDF of numbers, above). We’re available 24/7. We’ll block your card and notify your issuer bank so that no unauthorised payments can be made using your lost card. We will also work with your bank to provide you with a replacement card and arrange emergency cash for you if you need it.
If you can’t make a cash withdrawal because your bank card has been lost or stolen, you may still be able to access emergency cash in a handy location. You should first report your lost or stolen card to your bank. If you’re not able to contact your bank, we can help. Contact us using the freephone numbers (see link to download a PDF of numbers, above). As long as you have enough money in your account, and your bank gives approval, we can arrange for you to pick up emergency cash so that you’re not left without spending money until your replacement card arrives. Note that emergency cash is debited from your existing account and it does not represent a loan or advance.
You report a stolen card in the same way as reporting a lost card. As soon as you realise that your bank card has been stolen, you should contact your bank immediately. If you can’t reach your bank, we can help. Contact us using the freephone number for your location (see link to download a PDF of numbers, above). We will then block your card and notify your issuer bank. You can also request to pick up emergency cash from a specified location while you are waiting for delivery of your replacement card.
If you wish to cancel your debit card because, for example, it’s lost or stolen, you should do so immediately. This is important as you may be liable for debits made on a card that is not reported as missing. You should cancel your debit card through online banking, via your banking app or by calling your bank. If none of these options are available, you can contact us instead by calling the freephone customer assistance number listed for your location (see link to download a PDF of numbers, above). We will arrange delivery of a replacement card as quickly as possible, typically within 24 to 72 hours.
Occasionally, you might find that your existing Visa debit or credit card no longer works at the ATM or contactless terminals. The embossed numbers and letters can become worn, the card might split, or the magnetic strip can be damaged. If your card is broken or compromised, you can order a replacement through your online banking or mobile app, or by visiting a branch in person, If these options aren’t available, you can request a replacement card by calling us, using the freephone number for your location (see link to download a PDF of numbers, above).