Visa Fleet 2.0 - one card for all your mobility payment needs

truck and visa fleet logo

Switch to the fast lane with Visa

Experience an all-in-one solution with more effortless payments, real-time tracking, and comprehensive analytics. Simplify expense management for individuals, small businesses, and enterprises.

colleagues using tablet

Spend controls

Control where, when, or how much can be spent.

man paying with card

Virtual cards

Instant issuance of Fleet cards and access to digital wallets.

woman making contactless watch payment in shop

Global acceptance

Accepted everywhere with a Visa badge.

colleagues using computer

Enhanced data

Better track spend and manage fleets.

woman at desk using mobile and laptop

Digital onboarding

Digital cards that can be issued instantly.

woman using mobile

Contactless and chip technology

A familiar user experience like any other card.

Designed for everyone involved to benefit

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Easier payments

A single, familiar solution for all transport-related purchases.

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More flexibility

Use different travel methods without needing to use personal cards.

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More Convenience

Access business funds promptly with instantly issued cards.

Less hassle

Employees don't need to pay and wait for reimbursement.

Navigate the shift to mobility with Visa Ready for Fleet

A partner programme designed to make transitioning to Fleet 2.0 easier and giving you access to a partner network that can help you offer an end-to-end mobility solution.

woman using computer

Visa Ready for Fleet

Benefit from our global network of partners who provide support with:

  • Expense management
  • CO2 reporting
  • Digital invoicing
  • Fleet management systems
  • Telematics/data.
  • Issuing and processing

Plus, get access to insights and best practices from Visa’s extensive global fleet experience.

Committed partners already onboard

Interested in Visa’s B2B mobility solutions?

Email us at